Diabetic Wound Care (Confidential Sum)
This case was tried before a jury in Supreme Court, Queens County, on behalf of a 62 year-old Type I diabetic man who had been confined to a wheelchair since age 57 due to a spinal infection. Our case involved poor care of his diabetic wounds in his leg by a wound care specialist, including the use of compression dressings and the failure to consult with a vascular specialist. According to our vascular expert, this caused the compromise of the bypass that had been put into the plaintiff’s leg about 10 years earlier in order to restore his circulation, this bypass became infected, ultimately requiring amputation of the leg. The defense argued that the loss of plaintiff’s leg was the result of the natural progression of his diabetic condition, but we showed that the plaintiff’s wound did not spiral out of control until he came under the care of the defendant. By bringing in records from our client’s rehabilitation from when he first went into a wheelchair following the spinal infection five years earlier, we proved that he had a chance to walk again and now was forever deprived of that. After the jury returned a verdict in the plaintiff’s favor, the action was then settled for a confidential sum.