Blog: Thoughts on Law and Life

He Did Not Die in Vain:

Follow-Up On The Rory Staunton Tragedy

Several months ago, I wrote about the tragic death of Rory Staunton, a 12 year-old boy who died after doctors at a local hospital failed to recognize the early signs of sepsis, where the body has a severe response to a bacterial infection. Now, word comes from The New York Times that New York may become the first state to require hospitals to aggressively look for signs of sepsis in patients, so that treatment can be started as soon as possible.

He Did Not Die in Vain: Follow-Up On The Rory Staunton Tragedy

Best New Music in 2012

2012 brought many highlights for the pop music fan, including the debut of a great new retro band, The Alabama Shakes, a screen biography of Bob Marley, the amazing story of singer-songwriter (Sixto) Rodriguez, as recounted in the wonderful film “Searching for Sugarman”,

Best New Music in 2012